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The Dreaded TWW

So I am currently half way through my two-week wait(CD 21 & DPO 8)!! It is so hard not to wonder every month if that indeed was the month that you conceived a miracle.

Especially, when you have early signs of pregnancy. Let's see, my boobs have been super sensitive since about CD 12. So bad that I have to wear a sports bra to bed and one night woke me up because I was in so much pain. I have been getting frequent headaches (which isn't uncommon, I suffer from migraines), peeing ALOT and getting nauseous in the evenings. So how am I not supposed to think about whether I am pregnant or not, when I have these constant symptoms? It's awful and the reason I say that is this is not the first time I have experienced this.

So I am trying my hardest to not get my hopes up! And if in fact I am pregnant I will take back all the bitching I have been doing for the last week and be so grateful. :)

I subscribed to this free horoscope app that let's you ask one question for free (rest are $3.95/each). So of course, I asked, "When will I have a baby?" Now, before any of you judge me, let me first say that I do not read heavily into horoscopes, palm readers, etc. It was just something to get my mind off things and see what it would say. Just like at the beginning of 2015 I read my chinese horoscope which by the way said I would have a baby this year. Well that's not happening so case and point.

Here's what the astrolger said:

So there you have it. LOL! Like I said, I am absolutely not reading into this that much. :) I truly believe this is all a timing thing. God will let me have a baby when he feels it is the right time.

About a year ago, I was so concerned with my age. Saying, "I don't want to be an old parent!" Well at this very moment, I don't care how old I am. As long as I can safely deliver a healthy baby, I could care less. After all, age is just a number and I definitely don't feel like I am about to be 30! Plus, I have noticed alot more couples are waiting until later in life to have kids. I have plenty of ladies in my life right now that are expecting and they are in their mid-30s. Congratulations by the way (you know who you are).

Well I am slated to see AF on April 29th and praying she doesn't show her face. But if she does, I am off to the doctor to start the conversations about fertility drugs and doing an IUI. So if you are out there and reading, first of all thank you, and second please say a little prayer for me.

Until next time!

Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear; for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

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