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Our Story


In 2004, I was trucking my way through college. I was so busy with school and work that I rarely had time a social life. Since high school I had worked in restaurants, for me, it was the only thing I could do while going through college. 


Well in 2004, I met a nice, charming man (well I should say boy, since he was still in high school) working at On the Border. I was the head trainer and he was the new employee. Now I know what y'all (yes, I say y'all, I live in Oklahoma) are thinking, it wasn't a fairytale in the beginning. Matter of fact, we didn't even start dating until an entire year later. We were very close friends first. 


So we became "official" in July 2005. Since we had been such good friends prior things sort of fell into place. Now, I won't lie we had our fights and issues. After all we were in our 20s. In May 2006, we decided to move in together. Talk about a challenge, whew those days were hard. Here's me, still in college, my new boyfriend, barely out of high school, playing house, except for it was a huge reality check. 


Fortunetely, we came out of the other side! In 2010, after 5 years of dating, we decided to buy our first home together and after almost 8 years together, we got married in October 2013. Eight years, most people (women) say, "Wow!, you waited 8 years to get married, I would have left." All I say is, "I am so grateful we did wait, because now, we are stronger than ever and I know without a doubt we can handle anything that comes our way." And boy-howdy can that statement be any more true. We were going to especially need that strong foundation for the adventure that we (at that time) had no idea we were about to take.


November 2013, while on our honeymoon, we "stoppped trying to NOT get pregnant". We were both 28. 


October 2015, here we are, 30 years old and still no big fat positive (BFP) and starting to lose hope. 




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