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No one ever told me...

As little girls we all have been guilty of taking our pillow case off our pillow and positioning them just perfect on our heads so we can walk down our make belief aisle to our prince charming. Just like we have all stuffed a pillow under our shirts and pretended we were having the perfect baby! That was the fairytale...right?

But what they don't tell you is finding your prince charming is no walk in the park and that once you do find him it is not all rainbows and unicorns making it work. It is hard!!! Just like they don't tell you that trying to make that perfect bundle of joy is just as hard.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have one half of MY fairytale. I met my prince charming almost 10 years ago and got to walk down my real life aisle 2 years ago and I couldn't be happier. Over the last 10 years, we have worked so hard on our relationship and yes, we continue to work on it everyday. But we are happy. Now we want the other half.

When we decided that we wanted to have a baby, I never knew that we would only have a 20% chance of conceiving each month. 20%! Really? I like to consider myself well educated but this number I had never heard before, could it really be true. Yes, it is true. Come to find out, conceiving a child is not as easy as sounds and/or looks. But still I was hopeful. Maybe a little too hopeful...see I had this crazy idea in my head that we would be pregnant right off the bat. Man was I wrong.

Now in our 14th month of TTC guess what the percentage of conceiving a child drops down to? If you are still thinking 20% you are wrong. After 12 months of TTC, 85% of couples will conceive. The other 15% have different journeys. As for my husband and I, we are in that 15%, and we have unexplained infertility. Meaning that nothing is hindering us from conceiving. But still you are wondering, what is the percentage after 12 months of TTC, it drops to a whopping 3%!!!

So at this point we are at a fork in the road. We can continue TTC without any treatment and have the 3% chance or we can have some help. Currently, we are set with a follow up appointment to our fertility doctor. At that time, we will decide what the next step is. We are leaning towards fertility drugs (Clomid or Femara) to increase more eggs and then schedule to do an interuterine insemination (IUI). With the IUI, sperm is inserted into the uterus in hopes that they swim as fast as they can to fertilize an egg.

So I started off this post with "no one ever told me...". And I am not sure I would have it any other way. I am blessed I didn't know all the obstables and possible outcomes because then what would I have to look forward to?

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